N头条>英语词典>charm offensive翻译和用法

charm offensive

英 [ˈtʃɑːm əfensɪv]

美 [ˈtʃɑːrm əfensɪv]

n.  魅力攻势(如政客为拉拢民众所采取的)



    • 魅力攻势(如政客为拉拢民众所采取的)
      a situation in which a person, for example a politician, is especially friendly and pleasant in order to get other people to like them and to support their opinions


      • N-SING (讨好对手等的)魅力攻势
        If you say that someone has launched acharm offensive, you disapprove of the fact that they are being very friendly to their opponents or people who are causing problems for them.
        1. He launched what was called a charm offensive against MPs who might not support the Government.


      • The Chinese leadership has promised its support for the euro zone in its hour of need as part of a charm offensive aimed at strengthening ties with the European Union.
      • He launched what was called a charm offensive against MPs who might not support the Government.
      • Bankers said the bond, which is expected to price on Wednesday, may see weak demand in spite of Klaus Regling, the head of the EFSF, launching a charm offensive in Asia last week to encourage interest.
      • He has already told the German newspaper bilt that Greece needs more breathing space to implement structural reform, and he will now start this charm offensive tour, if you like, with a meeting with Mr. Juncker.
      • Yet in the last year or so, China's charm offensive in Asia has run into trouble – not least in the South China Sea, which for many Asian countries is a barometer of how a powerful China might treat them.
      • The move is widely seen as part of a broader charm offensive by Pyongyang, but comes as South Korea remains angry at a flood the North caused.
      • Japan is stepping up an economic charm offensive in Southeast Asia in the latest sign of rival efforts by leading powers to profit from the single market soon to be launched in the populous region.
      • I don't think a charm offensive will work on these football writers or their editors.
      • In what appeared to be a charm offensive, officials from several government agencies this month gave a two-hour briefing that outlined plans for greater collaboration.
      • It is not hard to tell when China is on a charm offensive in an African country.